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  • Fresno Unified and Fresno Teachers Association Begin Training in Interest-Based Bargaining

Fresno Unified School District | Office of Communications | 2309 Tulare Street, Fresno, CA 93721 | (559) 457-3733

On Friday, the bargaining teams from the Fresno Teachers Association and Fresno Unified School District met during their eighth bargaining session, where they received training on Interest-Based Bargaining (IBB) facilitated by Deborah Garabedian, California State Mediation and Conciliation Service. A copy of the training presentation is attached.

Friday’s training objectives were geared to help participants understand the following:

  • Importance of collaborative, empathetic, and effective communication,
  • Fundamental differences between traditional (or position-based bargaining) and interest-based bargaining,
  • Principles and process of IBB, and
  • Successful IBB depends on developing a positive, ongoing relationship between the parties.

Following the half-day training, the parties began practicing IBB in breakout sessions and discussed three key areas of interest, including:

  • Fringe benefits,
  • Special education, and
  • Evaluations.

The next bargaining session is scheduled for February 27, 2023, and will be similar in structure, including a half-day training followed by negotiations between the parties.

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