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Click on the button below to enroll new Preschool-12th students, or students coming from an outside school district. Students already enrolled in Fresno Unified school district are already registered, and do not need to register again.

Online Registration

Instrucciones en Español | Lus Qhia Hmoob​

To register ​students online for the current or upcoming school year please read and follow the steps below.

Registration Steps

  • Using the address in which you reside please review the school boundary maps​ or use the school locator tool​ to determine which school your child will attend.
  • Use the Online Registration Tool to enroll new Preschool-12th students, or students coming from an outside school district. 
  • ​Students already enrolled in Fresno Unified school district are already registered, and do not need to register again.​
  • Information/Requirements for Preschool Enrollment
  • If you are unable to utilize the Online Registration Tool and need assistance, please contact the school site via email or phone.

Once the school of enrollment has been determined, parent/guardian/caregiver or another responsible designated adult will contact that school by phone or email to provide required information necessary for registration.

Please note: A provisional enrollment will be in place until required documents are received.Student registration is not complete until all documents are received, and the student has been assigned a schedule.

Please provide the following documents, electronically, to the school office in your attendance area. If you are unable to do so, the site will contact you to schedule an opportunity for documents to be provided to them.

Proof of Age

Proof of age must be presented in the form of one of the following:

  • Birth certificate
  • Previous school records
  • Health Office or Vital Statistics or Welfare Department record of birth date
  • Affidavit of physician attending birth, hospital record of birth, or affidavit by parents/guardians (notarized)
  • U.S. Census Bureau (Washington, D.C.) record
  • Court decree establishing date and place of birth
  • Record of birth, baptismal or other church record
  • Adoption papers
  • Passport
  • Immigration certificate

Please note: An affidavit will be used when none of the foregoing is obtainable at the Department of Prevention and Intervention/Project Access Office, 1350 M Street, Bldg. A, Phone: 457-3343.

Proof of Residency

Reasonable evidence of residency must be established.  Please use one of the following:

  • Current property tax payment receipt
  • Rent/lease/motel receipt on letterhead
  • Recent utility service payment receipt
  • Receipt for utility turn-on
  • Monthly mortgage statement
  • Declaration of Residency
  • Voluntary inspection of residence by school district personnel

Please note: If a minor is living with someone other than parent or legal guardian, please provide the following documents:

Caregiver’s Affidavit: Prevention and Intervention/Project ACCESS, 1350 M Street, Bldg. B, Phone: 457-3359. Note: A Caregiver’s Affidavit is usually not approved when the parent is living in Fresno, however, special family circumstances may prevail.

Documented Child Protective Services placement

Documented Foster or Group Home placement

Proof of Immunization and Physical Examination Requirements

The following proof of immunization and physical examinations are needed for registration:


All students must present an up to date immunization record prior to attending school. Students who do not meet the immunization requirements as determined by the State of California will be referred to their primary​ health care ​provider or local Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) like: Clinica Sierra Vista, Family Healthcare Network, Valley Health Team, United Health Center.​​​

Effective January 1, 2016, Personal Beliefs Exemptions will no longer be an option for the vaccines that are currently required for entry into school or childcare in California. Personal belief exemptions filed at a school or childcare facility before January 1, 2016 will remain valid until the student enrolls in the next grade span, typically at TK/kindergarten or seventh grade. Grade spans are childcare, TK through sixth grade, and seventh grade through 12th grade.

Starting January 1, 2021: 

A temporary or permanent Medical Exemption can only be issued through the California Immunization Registry – Medical Exemption website (CAIR-ME by physicians licensed in California. Schools may only accept new medical exemptions that are issued using CAIR-ME, not a signed note from a health care provider.

TB Risk Assessment

FCDPH Recommendation 12/2016:All students new to the district need to have a risk assessment done.  If risk assessment is positive, student will be required to submit results of a negative skin test/bloodwork.  If skin test/bloodwork is positive, student will be required to submit a negative chest x-ray report from their medical provider before attending school.

Foster, group home, and homeless youth students are registered with or without a fully documented immunization record. The school nurse should be notified to follow-up with the student.

Physical Examinations

Students entering first grade are required by the State to have a physical examination. The examination must be completed within 18 months of entering first grade or within 90 days of starting first grade.

Oral Health Examination

An Oral Health Examination (dental screening) is not required for school entry. However, proof of a dental screening should be provided by May 31st of the student’s kindergarten year.

Additional Registration Information

  • If your child is currently receiving special education services, contact the Fresno Unified Special Education Department at (559) 457-3220.
  • Previous school transcripts or recent report card
  • Drop/Withdrawal slip and grades
  • Home Language Survey
  • Registration questions for students in transitional kindergarten through 12th grade should be directed to school sites. 
  • Registration questions for prekindergarten/preschool should be directed to our Early Learning Department at (559) 457-3682.​​

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