Translation and Interpretation Services Department
The adoption of the district’s family goal aligns with the district’s continued priority on language supports for families and staff. The district values and respects the language, culture, and needs of all students, families, and staff and strives to enhance two-way communication through on-demand language facilitation. With the establishment of the Translation and Interpretation Services Department, the district can provide on-demand oral interpretation services and written translation of district documents.
Provide consistent access to language support for students, families and staff districtwide.
Fresno Unified School District is a multicultural, multilingual student and staff environment. The district strives to enhance culturally proficient communication for families by creating an environment where families and staff can communicate at any given time.
In addition to providing direct language support to families districtwide, the Translation and Interpretation Services Department is committed to developing site-based, family support staff trained to ensure schools can meet the day-to-day student, staff, and family language needs.
Phone: (559) 457-3988
Zuleica Murillo-Fry, Executive Director