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Staff Directory

The State and Federal Programs Team

Name Title Phone
Ashlee Chiarito Executive Officer (559) 457-3661
Kristin Shamlin Manager III (559) 457-3663
Vicente Cantu Manager III (559) 457-3825
Debra Ryland Manager II (559) 457-3664
Miguel Vega Manager II (559) 457-3676
Carrie Rodriquez Analyst, General (559) 457-3746
Leslie Ojeda Technician, Budget II (559) 457-3826
Sara Molina-Lazaro Technician, Budget II (559) 457-3843
Christine Williams  Technician, Program (559) 457-3658
Cheryl Mueller Clerk, Account III (559) 457-3672
Hisabel Estrada Secretary I, Administrative (559) 457-3934