Lori Ann Infant Program
Serving children birth to 3 years with special needs
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The Lori Ann Infant Program of the Fresno Unified School District serves children with special needs from birth to 3 years of age. Children served have disabilities including complications of prematurity, syn-dromes, serious illnesses, speech, mo-tor and other developmental chal-lenges. Services are provided in the family’s home and in the community at no cost to the family. Interpreters are available.
Our Staff
The Lori Ann Infant Program includes credentialed teachers, nurse practi-tioner, school nurse, speech and lan-guage therapist, physical therapist, occupational therapist, deaf and hard of hearing specialist, vision and orien-tation and mobility specialist, school psychologists, and an infant mental health provider. Staff provide services in the home and community at no cost to the family.
Our Mission
To work with and alongside the family to provide an integrated program for the child that maximizes his or her potential and provides the foundation-al skills for future academic, social, and vocational success.
Services Offered
All services are provided in the family’s home, toddler groups, and in the community. Services include:
- Coordinate services with other agencies deemed beneficial to the family and child
- Assessment of each child’s unique abilities
- Speech Therapy
- Physical Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Infant Mental Health Therapy
- Deaf and hard of hearing intervention
- Vision, orientation and mobility intervention
- Health Services
- Parent support
- Identify learning opportunities in the family’s daily routines to promote the child’s development
Family Support
Parent to parent support groups are offered on site and through our Family Resource Center.
We take direct referrals from parents, Central Valley Regional Center (CVRC), physicians, Early Head Start, and other organizations.
If you have concerns about a child, please contact:
Lori Ann Infant Program
Address: 67 E. Ashlan Ave, Fresno, CA 93704
Phone: (559) 248-7236
Fax: (559) 225-0512