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Special Education Documents

Council of the Great City Schools

The Council of the Great City Schools came into Fresno Unified School district to evaluate the Special Education Department policies and procedures. This document is the recommendations supplied from the CGCS evaluation.

CGCS Summary of Recommendations (English)

CGCS Summary of Recommendations (Spanish)

CGCS Summary of Recommendations (Hmong)

Parent Rights

This information provides you as parents, legal guardians, and surrogate parents of children with disabilities from three (3) years of age through age twenty-one (21) and students who have reached age eighteen (18), the age of majority, with an overview of your educational rights or procedural safeguards.

Parent Rights (English)

Parents Rights (Spanish)

Parents Rights (Hmong)

Parent IEP Satisfaction Survey

This document is to help us improve the IEP process so that parents are equal partners on the IEP Team. This document is to be completed and return it to your school principal who will forward it to the Special Education Office.

IEP Parent Survey (English)

IEP Parent Survey (Spanish)

IEP Parent Survey (Hmong)

SELPA Strategic Master Plan

The acronym “SELPA” stands for Special Education Local Plan Area. The Strategic Master Plan is the plan for Fresno Unified Special Education to improve their service to the students. This document is a living document that it will continually change as the Special Education Department improves it Master Plan.

Strategic Master Plan (English)

Special Education Strategic Master Plan (English)

Special Education Strategic Master Plan (Spanish)

Special Education Strategic Master Plan (Hmong)

SELPA Local Plan

The acronym “SELPA” stands for Special Education Local Plan Area. The Local Plan is the information submitted to the State of California that outlines how the SELPA will be assembled.

Local Plan (English)

Policy and Procedures

The Policies and Procedures for Fresno Unified Special Education were developed by a group of special education and general education leaders and teachers.  These are the policies and procedures that Fresno Unified special education follows and are consistent with state guidelines.

SPED Policy and Procedures

Release of Information

This document is to be filled out giving your permission to release or exchange information about your student.

Release of Information (English)

Release of Information (Spanish)
