Fresno Unified School District
CAC Meeting Minutes September 21, 2022
Wednesday September 21, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
CAC Meeting Teams Online
meeting connection information below agenda
AGENDA Start Time: 6:09 PM
- Welcome and Roll Call
- Opening – CAC Chair Julie Wong: This is our first in-person meeting in over two years.
- Roll Call – CAC Secretary Ivan Flores 10 Members / 27 Participants – Quorum was established and CAC business took place.
- Election of Officers:
- Vice Chair: A member had expressed interest in the position but was unable to attend. The interested person will attend next month’s meeting as she is still interested.
- Parliamentarian: Patricia Camarillo was appointed in this position.
- New member vote: Julie W. made the motion to accept the March Minutes with no corrections. Cara F. seconded the motion. Vote: 10 Yeas / 0 Nays. Motion passes to accept new members
- Minutes:
- May: Sarah L. made the motion to accept the May Minutes with no corrections. Patricia C. seconded the motion. Vote: 10 Yeas / 0 Nays. Motion passes to accept May Minutes
- June: Yer L. made the motion to accept the June Minutes with no corrections. Sarah L. seconded the motion. Vote: 10 Yeas / 0 Nays. Motion passes to accept June Minutes
- August: Sarah L. made the motion to accept the August Minutes with no corrections. Julie W. seconded the motion. Vote: 10 Yeas / 0 Nays. Motion passes to accept August Minutes.
- Public Announcement: Climate and Culture Survey (Russell Goolsby was unable to attend/Dr. Sean Virnig presented) FUSD will be sending out a climate and culture survey in the coming week. The hope is that many parents and staff complete the survey as it helps the district set the direction it wants to go.
- A Quick Guide to IEPs and the Special Education Process (Jennie Dote, EPU Children). Ms. Dote provided a very quick overview of the parent’s rights and special education. EPU provides more in-depth trainings for parents on a regular basis. Parents are welcome to attend them.
- Educational Partners Forum
- Parent: Who/which staff does Facilitated IEPs? RIMs are trained in the process and will follow it when it is needed or requested.
- J.W. – How does the district involve student in the IEP process? What about in situation where the student is 18 y/o, not conserved, and contradictory to the process? The team can work together and make the process more comfortable with the student. What if they class (Math/English class is too hard) or something doesn’t feel right for the student, what can a parent do? Good communication is key. A parent can request an accommodation through an IEP. Constant communication is key with all staff, DIS providers, and IEP service staff.
- Parent – Spanish: Membership question: How come I was not on the list anymore? CAC membership decreased significantly during the pandemic. The list of parents who did not attend was reduced last school year. How are parents notified? Parents are notified through the website, phone calls, and messenger. Not all parents and staff are receiving the CAC notification. How can we improve the notification? SPED is working on being able to expand the opportunities to notify and on a Parent Special Education Handbook/Information packet.
- Parent – Spanish: The assessment took too long for her student. How long is it supposed to take? 15 days for a Plan of Assessment to be developed after the initial request and then 60 days to do the assessment and hold an IEP.
- Dr. Pinheiro – Department Report:
- SPED is moving to Ventura and 10th this coming week.
- New staff has been hired for the Program Manger III and will start soon.
- Improved customer service is a goal for the SPED. They want to increase satisfaction of parents.
- Parent University has many courses for parents to increase their knowledge and understanding on many subjects including special education.
- Closing and Adjournment: 7:35 PM