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CAC Meeting Minutes May 25, 2022

Community Advisory Committee on Special Education Meeting

Wednesday May 25, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. 

CAC Meeting Teams Online

meeting connection information below agenda

AGENDA Start Time: 6:01 PM

  1. Opening and Roll Call
    1. Opening  – CAC Secretary Ivan Flores opened the meeting, introduced the CAC Executive members and District staff in attendance, and presented the Working Respect Agreement. 
    1. Roll Call – CAC Secretary Ivan Flores 11 Members were present / 28 Participants
    1. Outgoing Chairperson Michelle Smith requested that the Secretary read her message to the membership and participants of CAC.
  2. April CAC Meeting Minutes – CAC Secretary Ivan Flores are posted on CAC website and reviewed by the membership.  After the review: No corrections or additions were recommended.
    1. Julie W. made the motion to accept the April 2022 Minutes.  Natalie T.  seconded the motion.  Vote: 10 Yeas / 0 Nays. Motion passes to accept April 2022 CAC Minutes. 
  3. CAC Business  – reviewed the requirements for CAC membership – CAC Secretary Ivan Flores
    1. Renee Bliss, Cathye Estes, Yer Lee and Sarah Valentine submitted CAC Membership applications.
    1. Julie W. made the motion to accept the applicants as members.  Sarah L.  seconded the motion.  Vote: 8 Yeas / 0 Nays. Motion passes to accept the new applicants.
  1. Presentation by Julie Wheelock, Program Manager III, and Tyson Stucki, School Counselor: Graduation and College, Career Indicators
    1. J.W. – Do students stay with the same counselor over the four years they attend high school? Yes. When parents are in IEPs, who can override the agreement and if the agreed upon services are not being provided? Dr. Pinheiro stated to call her or the managers if the IEP is not being followed.  PE requirement: How does it work if a student is unable to do PE will that take the student out of diploma track. Other opportunities (PE written assignments, reports, and projects) can be done to complete the credits needed to graduate.  Foreign Language requirement: If the student wants to complete this requirement there are also other opportunities to complete.
    1. S.L. – When is it too late to decide if your student will be on diploma track or not? J. Wheelock – transition planning occurs at 15/16 years old be it can be done throughout the student’s school career.  Additionally, there is a grace period for students who turn 18 years old.  They can have a 5th year at the high school, do credit recovery at Fresno Adult School, or receive a Certificate of Completion. 
    1. A.A. – Does each high school have CTE? If not, can students who need special education services transfer there?  All students can apply for a transfer through the transfer’s office. 
    1. J.W. – Are teachers involved in the planning sessions for SPED services? Yes.  Are service providers involved too? Are they part of the graduation track?  They are part of the opportunities for students to graduate.  The PLC process includes services providers and teachers.  They discuss how the curriculum can be adapted.  Ensure that students are not excluded and that all agencies that assist students are included. 
  1. CAC Officer Elections
    1. Chair:  Julie Wong has accepted the nomination and is currently running unopposed. Online voting was done and the results are as follows: Vote: members voted to accept.
    1. Vice-Chair: No one was nominated and currently vacant.
    1. Secretary: Ivan Flores accepted the nomination and is currently running unopposed.  Online voting was done and the results are as follows: Vote: members voted to accept.
    1. Home Liaison: Cara Ford and Laura Esquivel have both accepted the nomination.  Online voting was done and the results are as follows: Vote: members voted to accept Cara.
    1. Parliamentarian: No one was nominated and currently vacant.
  2. Presentation by Tammy Townsend, Executive Officer: An Update on 2022-2023 Local Control Accountability Plan – Ms. Townsend had to leave our meeting attend another meeting and did not present.
  • Educational Partners Forum
    • A.A. – Who is the case manager?  It depends on the level of service to the student.  For example, if a student only requires speech therapy services then the case manager is the Therapist. If the student requires RSP services then the RSP teacher is the case manager.  If the student requires special day class services then the case manager is the special day class teacher. 
    • J.W. – Who does the parent speak with if the IEP is not correct when it is returned to them days after the IEP?  Contact the SPED program manager or administration above them if you are not satisfied with lower level responses to the IEP.  There will be more RIMs available next year and the response time should be quicker. 
    • I.F. – Is the department working on improved transition planning for student going from 6th to 7th grade, 8th to 9th grade, and from 12th grade to graduation/ATP?  Yes.
  • Closing and Adjournment:  7:23 PM

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Teams Meeting Information

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Or call in (audio only): Call (559) 512-2623

Conference ID: 729 826 969#

Reunión CAC – español

Haga clic en este enlace para ver la junta: Haga clic aquí para unirse a la reunión

O llamar (audio solamente) : llamar (559) 512-2623

ID de la Conferencia: 512 650 752#

CAC Rooj Sib Tham – Lus Hmoob

Nias qhov link no mus saib rooj sib tham: Nias ntawm no rau koom lub rooj sib tham

Los yog hu nyob rau hauv (tshuab xwb): hu (559) 512-2623

Rooj Sib Tham ID: 300 024 788#

Next Scheduled CAC Meeting

Wednesday June 14, 2022
at 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

CAC Meeting on Microsoft Teams

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