CAC Meeting Minutes June 22, 2022
Tuesday June 14, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
CAC Meeting Teams Online
meeting connection information below agenda
AGENDA Start time: 6:00 PM
- Welcome and Introductions (Chair Julie Wong)
- CAC Chairperson Julie Wong opened the meeting, introduced the CAC Executive members and District staff in attendance, and presented the Working Respect Agreement.
- CAC Secretary Ivan Flores took rollcall of the CAC membership. There were 8 members present and the majority were parents. However, there was no quorum.
- There were 22 participants in total attendance and included the 8 members.
- CAC Business and An Update on Executive Committee Vacancies (Chair Julie Wong and Secretary Ivan Flores)
- May CAC Meeting Minutes (DRAFT): CAC Secretary Ivan Flores Draft Minutes were posted on CAC website and reviewed by the membership. After the review: No corrections or additions were recommended.
- A Vice-Chairperson and Parliamentarian needed for our CAC. So, all interested in parents please send an email to:
- Two parents were interested in the vacancies. Malarie S. is interested in the Vice-Chairperson position. Patricia C. is interested in the Parliamentarian position. Chairperson Julie W. will reach out to them.
- However, there was no quorum, so we were unable to take action to approve.
- 2022-2023 Local Control Accountability Plan (Tammy Townsend)
- Ms. Townsend present on the current status of the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) process as it pertains to Special Education spending and initiatives.
- The following were questions about the LCAP – Special Education spending priorities:
- Equity issue: Will tables be purchased for outside patio areas / cafeterias with metal and plastic coating at all school sites? Yes.
- Packaging equipment will be purchased by the district to prevent soggy chicken strips.
- Equity Issue: Will shade structures/trees be purchased by school sites (i.e., Elementary through High School)? Yes.
- Equity Issue: Will supports for student groups (backpacks and school supplies) be purchased? Yes, through Elementary school by one-time funding of $1.6M.
- Health & Safety: Will additional Campus Security Assistance be hired? If so, where? ________________________________________________________________________________________________
- Parking lots need to be rethought out. Not safe and will LCAP funds be able to make them safer (pick up/drop off) for student receiving special education services and their families?_________________________________________________________________________________________
- Educational Partners Forum (Chair Julie Wong)
K.K. – The first day of Extended School Year (ESY), additional supports, and transportation went well. Summer Camps are reopening for the second session. An additional 2 sessions will be available in the following weeks. Science and CTE programs standards will be better aligned with District standards. Reenergizes inclusion and doesn’t try to reintroduce it.
C.F. – Assistive Technology/Augmentative Assistive Communication devices are needed.
Dr. Pinheiro. – Special Education Department (SPED) cabinet meets on a monthly basis. Principals, managers, Paras, and others are involved to change things.
Dr. Pinheiro. – Equity & Access: Data is currently being used to our students receiving special education services in securing Credit Recovery services. The end result is to increase graduation rates of students receiving special education services.
Dr. Pinheiro. – Equity & Access: Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten students receiving special education services: Furniture has not been updated in a significant amount of time. SPED will be spending approximately $400,000+ to purchase new furniture.
A.A. – Made the following observations/requests: 1) District Summer Camps – Next year there needs to camp classes that can meet the needs of students receiving special education services. In particular those students receiving Special Day Class (SDC) services. 2) CAC Meeting Minutes and Public Hearing minutes should be available to the public. 3) ESY concerns – Allergies not listed in Atlas. Program Manager Julie W. stated that that information should be on the emergency card and they should be available to the ESY teachers. She will follow up with A.A. 4) Emergency Training for students receiving special education services – How are they trained? What procedures are they taught? SPED staff states that students are taught and trained for emergencies. Some classes use code words and others use some other method. A.A. would like to consistency of training. Dr. Pinheiro will provided additional information to A.A.
J.B. – 1) The Adult Transition Program (ATP) is expanding options for students receiving special education services in food preparation at Fresno City College. 2) The ATP program now has a van to assist students with job training and opportunities. 3) 14 student are participating in the workability program and earning a paycheck.
C.E. – Husband is teaching at Sequoia MS and coaching. She is proud of her husband for the vocational training he is providing to students. Proud of FUSD for bringing back vocational education.
M.S. – stated that RIM positions are being increased dramatically to15. Parent will have direct access to their respective RIM and that they will know their student well.
N.T. – stated something but the group couldn’t hear her due to technical difficulties.
J.W. – Atlas portal question: Can a parent add health information? FUSD Program Manager J.W. stated that yes, they can but some students don’t have enough information in Atlas. Usually in an Individual Health Services Plan.
P.C. – Can the SPED send CAC meeting notice to parents via teams? Yes, it can be done.
- Closing and Adjournment (Chair Julie Wong):
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Conference ID: 256 944 688#
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O llamar (audio solamente) : llamar (559) 512-2623
ID de la Conferencia: 511 380 332#
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Rooj Sib Tham ID: 135 157 901#
Next Scheduled CAC Meeting
August 31, 2022
CAC Meeting Teams Online
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