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CAC Meeting Minutes January 17th, 2024

Wednesday January 17th, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. 

meeting information below agenda

START:  6:00 pm 

Welcome (Chair Wong)

Roll Call & Agenda Approval (Secretary Flores & Chair Wong)

Agenda Approval

Business:  Roll call: 47 Present in person/ 10 online      Quorum: 18 members were present

Motion to accept: Eileen G. / 2nd: Gloria H. – Yeas: 18 / Nays: 0

Previous Months Minutes (Chair Wong) October & November

Motion to accept: Eileen G. / 2nd: Jen D. – Yeas: 18 / Nays: 0

Old Business/New Business (Chair Wong): Special Education Executive Director is seeking volunteers to be part of the SELPA 3rd Year (Section B) Renewal Committee: 

  • Policies and Procedures will be discussed and possibly updated.  Please contact the Special Education Department for more information.
  • The SELPA plan could be rejected if not well written and must meet student’s needs.
  • There will be 8 meetings and are tentatively scheduled for 5:30 – 7:00 pm.  Day and location are to be determined at a later date.
  • If you are interested please contact Patrick Morrison at 559-457-3220 or email him:

Membership (Secretary Flores): No new applications received.   

6:15 – 7:15pm Guest Presentation

  • Communication Services (Speech and Assistive Technology): Ann Morse, Speech Pathologist and Taylor Watson, Teacher on Special Assignment Presented.
  • Vision:  Presenters had a conflict in their schedule and were unable to attend.
  • Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services: Ja Nae Martin, Teacher Deaf/Hard of Hearing Presented.

7:15 – 7:30 pm Educational Partners Forum (Chair Wong)

Cara F. shared a story of inspiration.  Various parents spoke about their and their student’s experiences at Winter Session.  Some had good experiences and for others, the winter session did not run too smoothly for their students. Parent expressed concern that not enough advocacy for extra-curricular activities occurs in the district.  They want better communication between regular staff and winter session staff about the needs of students with special education services. Another parent expressed concern about how long it takes for a family to receive an answer to a transfer request. 

A CAC member requested information on if ISGIs would be coming back to the school sites.  SPED will have an answer for the CAC at next meeting. 

Nex week: The Village Parent support group meeting will be held on January 25th.

EPU has free classes on Individual Education Plans.

7:34 pm   Closing and Adjournment (Chair Wong)

CAC email address ( to email agenda items for the upcoming meeting or next month’s meeting

Meeting Information

The Community Advisory Committee on Special Education, or CAC, invites you to participate in our monthly in-person meeting at Parent University. The address is 850 N. Blackstone Ave., Fresno, CA 93701.

  • The phone number to Parent University is (559) 457-3390.
  • Both Spanish and Hmong interpretation will be provided
  • Refreshment will be served. 
  • Childcare will be provided as well. 

We are delighted to offer childcare services during our meeting upon request, catering to children aged 4-12 years old. To ensure we can accommodate your childcare needs during your attendance at our CAC meeting, kindly complete the following Child Care Survey.

Thank you and we look forward to welcoming you at the meeting.

Online Option

If you cannot attend the CAC meeting in person you can participate in  the meeting on Microsoft Teams. Please note that the online meeting will be in English only. Spanish and Hmong Interpretation will be provided in person.

Link to Team Meeting: Click here to join the meeting

Next Scheduled CAC Meeting

February 21, 2023 at Parent University

We appreciate your attendance at our meetings

Your support of Special Education is Vital