CAC Meeting Minutes May 15th, 2024
Community Advisory Committee on Special Education Meeting
Wednesday May 15th, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
meeting information below agenda
Meeting Location: Parent University, 850 N. Blackstone Ave. Fresno, CA 93701
6:01 pm Welcome (Chair Wong)
CAC stands for the Community Advisory Committee for Special Education, a volunteer group composed predominately of parents of children with special needs who attend school within the Fresno Unified School District. CAC is a group of parents, school personnel, and other community members, who work together to ensure that children with special needs receive the best education available. Fresno Unified is required by law to have a CAC.
CAC is parents advocating for children with special needs. CAC meets once a month to identify the needs of students with special needs in our District, and advises the District on issues relating to special education. CAC works to provide information to parents and also listens to parents’ concerns. CAC’s ultimate purpose is to participate in a partnership with the school district that enhances the education of each child with special needs.
Expected Etiquette/Public Comment
Recognize and respect differences of perspective and style of the CAC among members, staff, students, parents/guardians and the community.
Act with dignity and understand the implications of demeanor and behavior.
When speaking of your concerns, please do not use your student’s name or the school location. Please respect the confidentiality and needs of your student.
Thank you and welcome.
Roll Call & Agenda Approval (Secretary Flores & Chair Wong):
Business: Roll call: 34 Present in person/ 2 online / Quorum: 13 members were present – YES
Agenda Approval
- Motion to accept: 1st: Patricia C. / 2nd: Cara F. – Yeas: 13/ Nays: 0 – Correct the May 22, 2024 Correction recommended in dates of CAC and The Village parent & Guardian support group.
Previous Months Minutes (Chair Wong)
- Motion to accept: 1st: Patricia C. / 2nd: Patrick S. – Yeas: 13/ Nays: 0
Old Business/New Business (Chair Wong): Old Business: None. New Business: Elections of CAC Chairperson and Secretary positions. Will be held at the next CAC June 11th meeting. Please think about your interest in becoming part of the CAC and contact the our CAC at
Membership (Secretary Flores): Maria N-J – Representing the Roosevelt area. Ms. N-J was not present. A reminder will be sent out by the Secretary informing Ms. N-J and other members of the change in location and date of the CAC meeting.
6:10 – 6:40pm Public Hearing: 2024/25 Draft Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Ashlee Chiarito, Executive Officer General State & Federal Programs: Parent/Vice-Chair Amy A. wanted to know about any increases TK programming/student delivery service will impact now building space is made available. Ms. Chiarito explained that they work closely with Facilities to accommodate the needs of any increases in student being serviced. CAC Chair Julie W. question on classroom reductions will there be additional teachers available above the normal teacher/CBA ratio. Guest Spanish speaker: Does the CAC present the budget to the BOE? The SPED budget is presented to the BOE and parents can go to the board meetings to find out the status.
6:40 – 7:15pm Workability & Update on Alternative Diploma, Michael Fletcher, Manager III, Special Education Department:
- Presented and continued his presentation on the Alternative Pathway to a Diploma and Workability options for student receiving IEP services.
- Alternative Pathway to a Diploma: Students who are non-diploma track, take California Alternative Assessments, and receiving Adult Transition Program services. May be able to earn an alternative diploma which is aligned with state requirements for a regular high school diploma (i.e., English, Math, Social Sciences, Science, PE and Electives).
- Patrick S.: 1. Asked if Algebra will still be a requirement? At this time, the state has decided to include Algebra as a requirement. 2. Will SDC Moderate/Severe continue to ATP? Yes. 3. Will students who have a placement in SDC Mild/Moderate be eligible for ATP? No, typically only students who receive SDC Moderate/Severe services and take the California Alternative Assessments are eligible for ATP.
- Workability: A grant funded by the California Department of Education with guidelines that must be followed, state-wide employment soft skills for 1245 students, for FUSD there are 187 employment opportunities and is a way for employment goals to be met.
- Each year, Students must have at least a 2.0 GPA, Good attendance, be over 16 years old, have an active IEP and be able to work independently.
- The grant will fund 60 hours of paid work experience.
- Students are given about 2-10 hours a week of work (paid at minimum wage)
- Each student is checked on weekly, both at their school and work sites
- A pre, interim, and post evaluation are given by the employer and FUSD Staff
- Students take anywhere from 3-9 months to complete up to 60 employment hours
- Students are paid once a month and pay is sent by a card that is sent to the student’s home
- WAI Staff will complete a Progress Report when a student has completed their hours
- How to refer for these program:
- Please contact one these people to refer a student:
- Bullard/Hoover/DOR
- Sicilly Howell – Work Placement Tech with Echo Wells for para
- Sunnyside/Edison/Creative Alternatives
- Mai Yia Vang – Work Placement Tech with Rosemary Kline (SHS) Crystal Felix (EHS) for paras
- Fresno High/McLane/Duncan
- Joshua Coburn – Work Placement Tech with David Sambrano (FHS) and Echo Wells (MHS) as paras
- ATP/Roosevelt/ALT ED
- Jose Silva – Job Placement Specialist
- Melissa Mills – WorkAbility and DOR Coordinator
- Question: Patricia C: Will this affect SSI? Mike Fletcher will have to investigate this situation.
- Central Valley Regional Center and the Department of Rehabilitation will have a Community Partners for Transition Virtual Meeting on May, 23, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 11:15 AM Link: or
- Alternative Pathway to a Diploma: Students who are non-diploma track, take California Alternative Assessments, and receiving Adult Transition Program services. May be able to earn an alternative diploma which is aligned with state requirements for a regular high school diploma (i.e., English, Math, Social Sciences, Science, PE and Electives).
7:15 – 7:30pm Educational Partners Forum (Chair Wong)
Spanish speaking guest: Requested that the PowerPoint presentations that were depicted be made in Spanish.
J.W.: What does the CAA and ELA requirements look like? SPED team to investigate the question.
Summer School Enrichment Camps: Link: Summer Enrichment Camps | Fresno Unified Extended Learning Sign ups are happening now so please register your student.
Spanish speaking guest: Will there be paraprofessionals available to assist students receiving special education services? Staff will be available based on student needs.
Tangee P: The Council of Great City Schools Report: The report is available for staff and parents to review. It has many recommendations on improving special education delivery of services and additional information that is educational to parents. Link:20240508-0-Amended-Agenda-and-Support-Material1-2.pdf (
- 7:27: Closing and Adjournment (Chair Wong) Motion to accept: 1st: Patricia S. / 2nd: Maricruz F-M. – Yeas: 13/ Nays: 0
Upcoming Meetings:
June 11th – 5:00 pm Annual Local Plan Public Hearing – Executive Director Patrick Morrison (Location: Addicott Elementary)
CAC Meeting June 11th, Tuesday, 6:00pm to 7:30pm
Location: Addicott Elementary, 4784 E Dayton Ave, Fresno, CA 93726 (last meeting of the 23-24 school year)
The Village Parent & Guardian support group meeting May 23rd, Thursday
Location: Addicott Elementary 5:30pm-7:00pm (last meeting of the 23-24 school year)
Link to April Meeting Minutes
CAC email address ( to email agenda items for the upcoming meeting or next month’s meeting
Meeting Information
The Community Advisory Committee on Special Education, or CAC, invites you to participate in our monthly in-person meeting at Addicott Elementary, . The address is 4784 E Dayton Ave, Fresno, CA 93726
- The phone number to Parent University is (559) 457-3390.
- Both Spanish and Hmong interpretation will be provided
- Refreshment will be served.
- Childcare will be provided as well.
We are delighted to offer childcare services during our meeting upon request, catering to children aged 4-12 years old. To ensure we can accommodate your childcare needs during your attendance at our CAC meeting, kindly complete the following Child Care Survey.
Thank you and we look forward to welcoming you at the meeting.
Online Option
If you cannot make the CAC meeting in person you can attend the meeting on Microsoft Teams. Please note that the online meeting will be in English only. Spanish and Hmong Interpretation will be provided in person.
Link to Team Meeting: Click here to join the meeting
Next Scheduled CAC Meeting
June 11, 2024, at Addicott Elementary
We appreciate your attendance at our meetings
Your support of Special Education is Vital