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CAC Meeting Minutes August 31, 2022

August 31, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. 

CAC Meeting Teams Online


Start Time: 6:02 PM

  1. Welcome and Introductions (Chair Julie Wong was absent tonight/Secretary Ivan Flores facilitated the meeting)
    1. Opening – CAC Secretary Ivan Flores opened the meeting and presented the Working Respect Agreement.
  1. CAC Business – CAC Membership Roll Call, Agenda review, and Election/Appointment of Vice Chair and Parliamentarian:
    1. Roll Call: 8 Members / 38 Participants total
    1. The CAC did not achieve quorum (9 members needed). Consequently, CAC business could not be accomplished.
    1. May and June Draft Minutes could not be voted on. 
    1. Members could not be appointed to Vice Chair.
    1. CAC Executive Members and Special Education Department will consult to determine any possible resolutions to not having quorum at future CAC meetings. 
  1. Darcy Williams – Teacher on Special Assignment in the Science Department: K-6 Science Textbook Adoption
  1. Special Education Department Updates: Current Roles and Responsibilities, Organization Chart, Contact Information and Navigating the Special Education Department website
  • The Road Ahead: CAC Topics, Activities, and Meetings throughout the school year
  • Educational Partners Forum
  1. A.A. – Places and resources for parents regarding activities for their students are needed.
    1. Can we post those resources on the website? 
    1. Can a link be provided to recommend an agency or resource (e.g., sports, activities, camps, etc.)
    1. Transportation: Problem of a parent using paid reimbursement and the bus continues to arrive at their home.  Parent has notified transportation and SPED about the problem, but it continues.
    1. K.T. – Wanted cameras in classrooms because the aides have attitudes, and she wants to monitor them. 
    1. S.V. – Parent would like the SPED to provide parents with;
      1. Information on resources
      1. Community resources
      1. Questions about SPED
      1. Informational Pamphlets
      1. Who has replaced Jeanne Butler in the Program Manager position?  SPED – Interviews are this coming week and a decision will occur soon. 
    1. A.A. – When will the Parent Handbook be ready?  SPED – It will be ready soon.  It has taken longer due to the many changes to the SPED department.  It should be ready in the next few weeks. 
    1. B.C. –
      1. Gaggle Question: Are Computers listening to conversations? No.  Are parents notified of Gaggle?  Are we (the District) in violation of the law? Instances of police coming to houses and questioning our kids. 
      1. Stepping Stones is a liability to the District.  Has concerns about training, experience, how are they picked?
  • Closing and Adjournment End Time: 6:48 PM

Link to May and June Meeting Minutes

CAC email address ( to email agenda items for the upcoming meeting or next month’s meeting

Next Scheduled CAC Meeting

September 21, 2022
CAC Meeting Location TBD

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