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CAC Meeting Minutes April 20, 2022


Community Advisory Committee on Special Education Meeting

Wednesday, April 27, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. 

CAC Meeting Microsoft Teams Online


AGENDA Start time: 6:01 PM

  1. Opening and Roll Call: 
    1. CAC Chairperson Michelle Smith opened the meeting, introduced the CAC Executive members and District staff in attendance, and presented the Working Respect Agreement. 
    1. CAC Secretary Ivan Flores took rollcall of the CAC membership. There were 12 members present and the majority were parents.
    1. There were 34 participants in total attendance and included the 12 members.

II. CAC Business:

  • Membership: Chairperson Michelle S. reviewed the requirements for CAC membership and that nominations will be accepted at the April CAC meeting for all positions on the Executive Committee. Elections for CAC Executive positions will occur at the May CAC meeting.  
  • Minutes: February and March Minutes were posted on the CAC website. Secretary Ivan Flores requested the membership and participants to review them.  After the review:
    • Julie W. made the motion to accept the February Minutes with correction on the second page under Dr. Pinheiro’s explanation of how RIMS will be hired.  Wording was changed to have RIM’s experience being all encompassing rather than compassing. Natalie T. seconded the motion.  Vote: 6 Yeas / 0 Nays. Motion passes to accept February Minutes. 
    • Julie W. made the motion to accept the March Minutes with no corrections. Cara L.F. seconded the motion.  Vote: 7 Yeas / 0 Nays. Motion passes to accept March Minutes.   
  • Chairperson Michelle S. – Combine the June 8th and June 22nd meetings to a June 14th meeting: No discussion was held. Motion to combine was made by Julie W. Motion was seconded by Laura E. Vote: 10 Yeas / 0 Nays.  Motion passes. 
  • Chairperson Michelle S. – Transition Subcommittee.  A brief discussion was held to explain the need for a transition subcommittee.  Various participants stated the need to have good transition plans from grades K-1, 6-7, 8-9, and 12-ATP/after graduation:
    • Natalie T. made a motion to establish a Transition Subcommittee. Julie W. seconded the motion. 10 Yeas / 0 Nays.
  • Nominations for all Executive CAC positions:
    • Chair:  Julie Wong has accepted the nomination and is currently running unopposed.
    • Vice-Chair: No one was nominated and currently vacant.
    • Secretary: Ivan Flores accepted the nomination and is currently running unopposed. 
    • Home Liaison: Cara Lacey Ford and Laura Esquivel have both accepted the nomination.  There will be a runoff at the CAC May meeting.
    • Parliamentarian: No one was nominated and currently vacant.

III. Discussion and Development:

  • Presentation by Special Education Program Manager Julie Wheelock and School Counselor Tyson Stucki: Graduation and College, Career Indicators
    • Due to a couple of the earlier CAC agenda items taking more time than allotted, the second portion of the presentation will occur at the May Meeting.  The presenters stopped on slide 3. 

IV. Education Partners Forum

  • A. A. – Are there any flyers on Adaptative Extra Curricular Activities for students who need special education services?
    • Someone recommended an Adaptive Judo class that may be available. 
    • Pottery classes
    • Sports
  • M.S. – There are community agencies such as Break the Barriers that have activities.  Also stated that the CAC has for a couple of years now recommended that a Parent Handbook be developed so that a list of community agencies could be included. 
  • M.F. – Requested information on transition programs that are geared towards graduation track and students who are in a SDC environment. Program Manager Julie W. will provide more information on this subject during the transition presentation next month. She will explain the differences between SDC mild/Moderate, SDC Moderate/Severe and graduation requirements.
    • SDC mild/Moderate, SDC Moderate/Severe are usually based on teacher credentialing and not on disability. 
    • More specific and high needs classrooms, i.e., Autism and Emotionally Disturbed (“ED”), have more to do towards curriculum umbrellas and the blending of the students’ needs. 
  • J.A. – Fresno Parks and Recreation has programs for all students.
  • J.B.  – Can students get Home Health Instruction (“HHI”) during the summer? Normally, this is not an option as HHI ends on June 6th.  SPED team will investigate why this is the case. 

V. Closing and Adjournment: 7:34 PM

CAC email address ( to email agenda items for the upcoming meeting or next month’s meeting

Next Scheduled CAC Meeting

Wednesday, May 25, 2022
at 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

CAC Meeting Location TBD

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