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CAC Meeting Minutes April 19, 2023

Community Advisory Committee on Special Education Meeting

Wednesday, April 19, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. 

meeting information below agenda


Welcome and Introductions

CAC Chair – Julie Wong: Introduced the staff to parents. Ms. Wong made opening statements, CAC mission, reminder for the expected etiquette, and expected educational partners forum comments time.

CAC Business

CAC Secretary – Ivan Flores took roll:  21 Members / 61 Participants (40 In-person / 21 online) – Quorum was established, and CAC business took place.

Minutes: Reviewed the March minutes and no changes were recommended.

Eileen G. made the motion to accept the March Minutes with no corrections. Laura E. seconded the motion.  Vote: 21 Yeas / 0 Nays. Motion passes to accept the March Minutes.

Special Olympics Announcement – Cara Ford – CAC Community Liaison: District-wide Special Olympics was recently held.  Students and staff had a great time and it was a good experience for all.  Trustee Thomas expressed that she felt it could have been better attended by all our schools with Special Olympics programs.  Michelle Smith also reminded parents and staff that the Self Determination Program is available for Central Valley Regional Center clients. 

Road to Inclusion – Julie Wheelock, Program Manager:  Presented the Special Education’s Vision and Strategic Plan for including students with Special Education needs and services at all of the district’s school sites. 

Local Control Accountability Plan SPED Action Items (Managers Dryden, Fletcher, and Council) – Agenda item was requested to be amended and removed.   Eileen G. motioned to remove the agenda item and seconded by Amy A.  Vote: 21 Yeas / 0 Nays. Motion passes to remove the agenda item.

Educational Partners Forum – Chair Julie Wong opened:

Parent requested information on an Autism Program class being eliminated at Hoover HS.  He wanted to know what the ratio of student to teacher was, for a Special Day Class to be eliminated.  Dr. Pinheiro stated she would investigate provide him with information.  

Closing and Adjournment  – Chair Julie Wong – 7:45 PM

CAC email address ( to email agenda items for the upcoming meeting or next month’s meeting

Next Scheduled CAC Meeting

May 17, 2023 at Parent University at 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. 

We appreciate your attendance at our meetings

Your support of Special Education is Vital

Meeting Information

The Community Advisory Committee on Special Education, or CAC, invites you to participate in our monthly in-person meeting at Parent University. The address is 850 N. Blackstone Ave., Fresno, CA 93701.

  • The phone number to Parent University is (559) 457-3390.
  • Both Spanish and Hmong interpretation will be provided
  • Refreshment will be served. 
  • Childcare will be provided as well. 

Thank you and we look forward to welcoming you at the meeting.