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CAC Meeting Minutes April 17th, 2024

Start 6:05 pm Welcome (Chair Wong)

CAC stands for the Community Advisory Committee for Special Education, a volunteer group composed predominately of parents of children with special needs who attend school within the Fresno Unified School District.  CAC is a group of parents, school personnel, and other community members, who work together to ensure that children with special needs receive the best education available.  Fresno Unified is required by law to have a CAC.

CAC is parents advocating for children with special needs.  CAC meets once a month to identify the needs of students with special needs in our District, and advises the District on issues relating to special education.  CAC works to provide information to parents and also listens to parents’ concerns.  CAC’s ultimate purpose is to participate in a partnership with the school district that enhances the education of each child with special needs.

Expected Etiquette/Public Comment 

Recognize and respect differences of perspective and style of the CAC among members, staff, students, parents/guardians and the community.            

Act with dignity and understand the implications of demeanor and behavior. 

When speaking of your concerns, please do not use your student’s name or the school location.  Please respect the confidentiality and needs of your student.

Thank you and welcome.

Roll Call & Agenda Approval (Secretary Flores & Chair Wong):

Business:  Roll call: 44 Present in person/ 2 online  / Quorum: 18 members were present  –  YES

Agenda Approval

Motion to accept: 1st: Patricia C. / 2nd: Gloria H. – Yeas: 18/ Nays: 0

Previous Months Minutes (Chair Wong)

Motion to accept: 1st: Cara F. / 2nd: Jen D. Yeas: 18 / Nays: 0

Old Business/New Business (Chair Wong):  Special Education Program Manager, Marissa Saldate. requested that the CAC Secretary Ivan Flores send a Neuro diversity PowerPoint presentation.

Membership (Secretary Flores):  No new applicants

6:10 – 6:50pm – Self-Determination Presentation – Michelle Smith. Independent Facilitator & Deanna Gegaregian, Central Valley Regional Center SDP presenter: Self-determination is a voluntary Regional Center program that provides participants with an individual budget, which they can use to purchase the services and supports they need to implement their person-centered plan (PCP) and Individual Program Plan (IPP).  As of July 1, 2021, the Self-Determination Program (SDP) began to be available on a voluntary basis to any Lanterman eligible Regional Center individual.

Parent Randy C. shared his story of utilizing SDP services, benefits and challenges of implementing the service.


Self Determination Program – Central Valley Regional Center (   

brochure-8.5inx11in-trifold-outside (

SDP-brochure-Spanish.pdf (

SDP-brochure-Hmong.pdf (

Educational Partners Forum (Chair Wong):

Amy A – wants more community information, activities around the district, and any special education information to be made available to families. 

Occupational Therapist Awareness  and Autism Acceptance Month:

Occupational Therapy:  The American Occupational Therapy Association turns 107 years old in the month of April. In our district we have Occupational Therapist who make valuable contributions in helping the students to perform everyday tasks needed to be successful in the school environment and in the community. OTs provide ongoing assessments, evaluations, consultations, collaborations, direct and indirect services to students daily.  OTs play a critical role in communicating with students, parents, caregivers, educators, administrators and other key team members of the IEP team.  Currently, the Special Education Department has 7 permanent OTs, a few contracted OTs, and 2 Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants.  Celebrate the profession that helps many from the medical to educational fields.  Thank you for your service as we honor OTs in the month of April. 

Autism: Autism Awareness is now Autism Acceptance and is celebrated in the month of April.  Many parents and professionals felt that awareness is no longer applicable.  Acceptance should be the prevailing term that should be used in the community.  In addition, to the change towards acceptance many individuals with autism, families, parents and professionals elected to move away from the puzzle icon and to adopt the infinity sign as the logo promoting Autism Acceptance.  Link: Autism Acceptance: Five Steps to Take Us Beyond April – Autism Society of Greater Wisconsin ( 

Additionally, Special Education Program Manager, Marissa Saldate, mentioned a Neurodiversity PowerPoint that was available for interested CAC members and attendees.  She also presented: The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, often known as the “DSM,” is a reference book on mental health and brain-related conditions and disorders. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) is responsible for the writing, editing, reviewing and publishing of this book.  The most recent revision defines autism as a spectrum and not limited to individual diagnosis such as, Asperger’s Syndrome, High functioning Autism, etc.  The logo change and definition has caused some controversy as many individuals preferred the individual diagnosis and the prior puzzle logo. 

Special Education Local Plan:  Surveys are available and a QR code was made available for CAC members and attendees to view. 

Closing and Adjournment (Chair Wong)

Upcoming Meetings:

CAC Meeting May 22nd , Wednesday, 6:00pm to 7:30pm

Location:  Parent University

The Village Parent & Guardian support group meeting April 25th, Thursday

Location:  Addicott Elementary 5:30pm-7:00pm

Link to March Meeting Minutes

CAC email address ( to email agenda items for the upcoming meeting or next month’s meeting

Meeting Information

The Community Advisory Committee on Special Education, or CAC, invites you to participate in our monthly in-person meeting at Parent University. The address is 850 N. Blackstone Ave., Fresno, CA 93701.

  • The phone number to Parent University is (559) 457-3390.
  • Both Spanish and Hmong interpretation will be provided
  • Refreshments will be served. 
  • Childcare will be provided as well. 

We are delighted to offer childcare services during our meeting upon request, catering to children aged 4-12 years old. To ensure we can accommodate your childcare needs during your attendance at our CAC meeting, kindly complete the following Child Care Survey.

Thank you and we look forward to welcoming you at the meeting.

Online Option

If you cannot make the CAC meeting in person you can attend the meeting on Microsoft Teams. Please note that the online meeting will be in English only. Spanish and Hmong Interpretation will be provided in person.

Link to Team Meeting: Click here to join the meeting

Next Scheduled CAC Meeting

May 22nd, 2024 at Parent University

We appreciate your attendance at our meetings.

Your support of Special Education is Vital

Who is CAC?

CAC stands for the Community Advisory Committee for Special Education, a volunteer group composed predominately of parents of children with special needs who attend school within the Fresno Unified School District.  CAC is a group of parents, school personnel, and other community members, who work together to ensure that children with special needs are receiving the best education available.  Fresno Unified is required by law to have a CAC.

What does CAC do?

CAC is parents advocating for children with special needs.  CAC meets once a month to identify the needs of students with special needs in our District, and advises the District on issues relating to special education.  CAC works to provide information to parents and also listens to parents’ concerns.  CAC’s ultimate purpose is to participate in a partnership with the school district that enhances the education of each child with special needs.

Expected Etiquette/Public Comment 

Recognize and respect differences of perspective and style of the CAC among members, staff, students, parents/guardians and the community.            

Act with dignity and understand the implications of demeanor and behavior. 

When speaking of your concerns, please do not use your student’s name or the school location.  Please respect the confidentiality and needs of your student.

Thank you and welcome.