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Designated Schools

What is a Designated School?

In 2013-14, Fresno Unified School Board alongside Fresno Unified Teacher’s Association spent time together studying what would have the most impact on moving student achievement in our schools that have been under-performing for generations of students.  This led to the CBA Article 65 allowing 40 schools to create more time for students and more collaboration and learning for staff.

  1. Add an additional 30 minutes per day for students with their teacher
  2. Add up to an additional 80 hours – 10 days for teachers to collaborate together to assess where students are in their learning for grade level readiness.
  3. Compensate teachers for the additional efforts due to teaching in schools with complex and complicated challenges.

With the added 30 minutes for students, a student at a Designated School would have up to 18 more days of instruction yearly compared to other students. This allows schools to start closing that gap that exists. Knowing that other extra learning times do exist, Designated School extra time is different as it is not dependent on parents and/or students to voluntarily participate in the extra time.  This time is part of their school day for every child.

Site Name Principal Phone
Winchell Angelica Espinosa 457-3440
Rowell Carmela Teran 457-3200
Calwa Antonio Sanchez 457-2610
Williams Bonifacio Sanchez 248-7540
Aynesworth Cha Vang 253-6410
Viking Christie Yang 248-7290
Roeding Debbie Duran 248-7250
Webster Denise Romero-Whittles 457-3430
Mayfair Faviola Perez 457-3140
Pyle Isacc Villanueva 248-7240
Homan Jackie Price 457-2940
Lowell Jennifer Her-Yang 457-3020
Jefferson Jennifer Thomas 457-2960
Fremont Julie Johnson 457-2910
Anthony Katie Navarrette 457-2520
Slater Kelli Wilkins 248-7260
Norseman Kevin Her 253-6500
Birney Kristina Montez 248-7000
Kirk LaToya Tatum 457-2980
Heaton Laura Gemetti 457-2920
Greenberg Linda M. Ramirez 253-6550
Burroughs Lorena Federico 253-6430
Lincoln Marisa Favila 457-3010
Wolters May Her 248-7340
Wilson Meegan Grant 248-7320
Columbia Mike Rivard 457-2630
Easterby Nancy Her 253-6440
Addams Natanska Valtierra 457-2510
Yosemite Nichole Horn 457-3450
Muir Nicole Jones 457-3150
Del Mar Nicole Woods 248-7070
Wishon Noemi Parayno 248-7330
Jackson Rodolfo Gonzalez 457-2950
Ewing Jorge Ramirez 253-6460
Olmos Scott Sanders 253-6620
King Summer Gaston-Gehris 457-2970
Ericson Tina Rodriguez 253-6450
Balderas Toua Chang 253-6420
Hidalgo Xee Moua 457-2930
Lane Karen Streich-Rodgers 253-6480
Vang Pao Yua Lee 457-3380