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Emergency Preparedness FAQs

What is emergency preparedness?

Emergency preparedness is planning the steps you will take in the event of an emergency, including drills, developing safe school plans, updating contact information, provide accurate communication, and up to date evacuation plans.

How can I stay informed?

Fresno Unified broadcasts emergency messages, when necessary, using a number of platforms. General emergency messages, early and late school openings and closings can be found on radio and television. Emergency messages are also posts on the district website and parents are encouraged to listen to radio or television. District and individual school site phone messages are also used when appropriate.

How will my child’s school handle an emergency situation?

Fresno Unified School District has emergency preparedness plans developed in collaboration with law enforcement agencies and Fire Department. Each plan entails the designation of a Safe School Leadership Team, development of evacuation, shelter-in-place, lockdown and reunification procedures. All of our schools have Emergency Protocol flip charts which deals specific type of incidents and resources for help before, during and after an event. All district school plans have been reviewed within the last twelve months, and FUSD Safe School Leadership Teams participate in on-going training.​

How can I see the Safe School Plan for my child’s school?

You can request a copy of the Safe School Plan at your child’s school. Each member of the school’s Safe School Leadership Team has a copy of the Safe School Plan including Principals office. All staff members have copies of the Emergency Protocols flip chart as well.​

What is a lockdown?

A lockdown is when there is a concern of imminent danger on or around the perimeter of your child’s school.

What is shelter-in-place?

Shelter-in-place is when students and staff remain inside and continues with instruction/work as normal. May extend into passing periods. Not to be confused with lockdown procedures, site may be asked to shelter in place if a power pole or tree were to call impacting movement outside the classroom/office, a safety or health emergency occurs that may be traumatic if seen by other students (ex: fight, or someone receiving medical attention) and maintenance issue being addressed including the smell of gas outside.

During an emergency/crisis, can parents get their children from school?

If a crisis is happening at your child’s school, students, parents or staff are not allowed to leave or enter campus school site until the crisis is lifted. Special circumstances might apply during a specific event where reunification will be announced to reunified students with their parents. If that is the case, we will work in collaboration with law enforcements and do it as safe as possible but until families are reunited after an emergency, it is important to stay informed of emergency warnings and updates.

What is the parent reunification site?

Parent reunification is the process of ensuring that children return to the care of their parent(s) and family as quickly as possible after an emergency. Parents will be informed of the reunification location via the school system emergency communication. At the reunification center, students will be released to their parent upon presentation of proper identification.

Why can’t I be given the evacuation and parent reunification locations ahead of time?

During an emergency situation, circumstances could arise that might force changes to previously designated locations. Therefore, Fresno Unified will not be able to release this type of specific information.

What if my child is riding a school bus at the time of a crisis?

School bus drivers will be in contact with the Fresno Unified Office of Transportation for instructions in the event that a crisis occurs while students are in transport. Bus drivers will be informed and not travel toward the crisis location. Parents will be informed of the parent-student reunification center location via the school system emergency communication system.

Who can pick up my children?

Children will not be released to individuals who are not listed on the student’s emergency card or who do not have written parent authorization. The emergency card is completed by parents and guardians at the start of each school year. Parents and guardians are encouraged to update the emergency card as needed throughout the school year. Friends and neighbors may sign a child or children out with written permission from a parent or parents. Both parents have to give permission in writing for the sign out and pickup. Schools prefer to have written permission on the day that a child’s pickup will change, and schools will also keep written permission on file, attaching it to the emergency card of the student. Schools will also ask for identification when the child is released to the one(s) mentioned in the permission note. It is advisable to communicate with the teacher as well, perhaps with a copy of the signed written note.​

Can I contact my child?

Parents are asked not to call the school if an emergency situation should arise so phone lines can remain accessible for handling the specific situation. Parents will be kept informed via the Principal and the Fresno Unified Communications Office.​