Immigration Supports & Workshops
Fresno Unified is committed to the success of all students, ensuring that every school is a safe, welcoming space for students and their families, regardless of citizenship or immigration status. The district will not solicit or collect information about the citizenship or immigration status of students or their families, nor will it assist with immigration enforcement at school sites, except as required by state or federal law. Board Policy 5145.13 and Administrative Regulation 5145.13 reflects our dedication to providing a supportive, inclusive environment where all students feel valued and respected.
The following is list of upcoming workshops for families to learn more about immigration supports:
* please check back regularly for updates and/or newly added workshops
El Distrito Escolar Unificado de Fresno está comprometido al éxito de todos los estudiantes, asegurándose que cada escuela sea un lugar seguro y acogedor para los estudiantes y sus familias, independientemente de su ciudadanía o estatus migratorio. El distrito no solicitará ni recopilará información sobre la ciudadanía o estatus migratorio de los estudiantes o sus familias, ni ayudará con la aplicación de la ley migratoria en los sitios escolares, excepto lo exija la ley estatal o federal. La Política BP 5145.13 refleja nuestra dedicación a proporcionar un ambiente de apoyo e inclusivo donde todos los estudiantes se sientan valorados y respetados.
A continuación, se incluye una lista de próximos talleres para que las familias aprendan más sobre los apoyos para inmigrantes:
* Revise esta página web para obtener actualizaciones o talleres recientemente agregados
Regardless of your immigration status, you have guaranteed rights under the Constitution. Learn more here about your rights as an immigrant, and how to express them.
ACLU - Know your Rights / conoce tus derechos
Upcoming Workshops / Talleres
- Sequoia Middle School
Date: 02/06/2025
Time: 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM - Erickson Elementary School
Date: 02/19/2025
Time: 8:15 AM - 9:30 AM - Lawless Elementary School
Date: 02/18/2025
Time: 8:15 AM - 10:00 AM - Duncan High School
Date: 02/27/2025
Time: 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
- Vinland Elementary School -4666 N. Maple Ave. Fresno CA 93726
Date: 02/27/25
Time: 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Signed Resolution Reaffirming Fresno Unified School District as a Safe Place School District for Students and Families Threatened by Immigration Enforcement
Resolución firmada que reafirma que el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Fresno es un lugar seguro para estudiantes y familias amenazados por la aplicación de las leyes de inmigración
Fresno Unified's Commitment to Student Safety and Family Privacy / Compromiso a la Seguridad y Privacidad de Estudiantes y Familias
Reminder of Obligation to Protect Immigrant Families' Rights to Access Public Education
Latest in Local News / Lo Ultimo en Noticias Locales
Last Updated 1/16/25
Other Immigration-Related Resources and Events / Otros Recursos y Eventos Relacionados con la Inmigración
The Central Valley Immigrant Integration Collaborative (CVIIC) provides ongoing immigration-related resources and events. CVIIC connects students and families to local experts to support families needing immigration services, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) renewal, naturalization, and family emergency planning.
The Association of California School Administration (ACSA) shares a video discussing Rights of Undocumented Students.
Immigration Legal Resource Center shares a video discussing family preparedness planning in California. Click here or the image below to navigate to the website and watch the video.
Newcomer Supports Through English Learner Services
Many of our undocumented students and families are supported through the multiple supports offered for newcomers through our CalNEW grant awarded to Fresno Unified's English Services Department. Download presentation below for more information.
Social Emotional Supports for Students and Families
If you are concerned about the social emotional well-being of your child or a peer, please fill out the Online Social Emotional Support Referral through our Department of Prevention and Intervention by visiting link below. If this is an emergency, please call 911 immediately or take your child to the nearest hospital. Referrals are confidential and are forwarded by email to the administrative team in the Student Support Services Office.
Garden Grove Unified School District shares their Safe and Welcoming Schools Resources for Families which is meant to connect families seeking assistance with questions related to their immigration status to community based or legal organizations that provide resources for immigrant families.
El Poder y La Fuerza provides youth undocumented immigrants, such as pre-teens and teenagers to bring them awareness to the path of citizenship while bringing forth resources that are not easy to find with the benefit of it being accessible and trustworthy.