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Free Flight

Event Description

In this event, teams of 2 students will pilot a drone to complete a predetermined mission in a 5-minute time frame. One student flies the drone as a pilot, and the other student guides the pilot as an observer. The drone must fly the mission and complete a set of objectives.

Common Core standards and 4C’s

Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own ideas clearly and persuasively. Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, and Critical Thinking.  

Course Layout

The course will be laid out in two obstacle courses with teams competing in their own course.  

Free Flight Field diagram
Simple course. There will also be obstacles to fly through and around to reach the goal.

Drones will start at a launchpad, the pilot will stand near the launchpad and fly the drone with the help of the observer. The observer will be able to freely move up and down the course to guide the pilot/ through the obstacles to the goal. Once the goal is reached, the pilot must fly back to the launch pad. Once back at the launch pad, the pilot and observer will switch roles and the mission will be repeated.  



Teams must deliver an item to the goal. Each delivery will be worth 1 point.  


Pilots will flip the egg to the goal, with points increasing the closer they are to the center of the target.  

Free Flight Target
Target Specifications


Each crash will result in a deduction of 1 point. A crash is if the drone bumps into any obstacle or leaves the field.  

Technical Requirements

  • All participants must be certificated with TRUST.
  • All equipment (drones, batteries, etc…) must be labeled.
  • Drones must be piloted by a student
  • The observer may move up and down the course but may not interfere with the flight. 
  • If the drone crashes, the observer may restart the drone from the crash location.
  • The pilot must fly the drone to complete the mission and back before alternating with the  
  • There will be a 5-minute continuous time limit for each flight.
  • Points will be added up at the end of each flight. 
  • The drone must start and return to the launch pad to complete the mission.
  • Drones must stay within their course. Points will be deducted if drones leave the mission area or cross into the other team’s course.

Reward Points

Teams will advance through the tournament bracket to make it to the championship round and win the final match. 1st place will receive 50pts and each subsequent rank will receive 3 fewer points than the prior rank: 

(2nd = 47pts, 3rd = 44pts, 4th = 41pts and so on). 


Participants must pass The Recreational UAS Safety Test (TRUST), complete the first unit of the Drone Legends Curriculum, and have practiced with their coach for a minimum of 6 hours. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Students must complete a research statement about the real-world use of drones.

Free Flight Design Document


Students will create a research document about drone use in the real world. The document will be submitted and scored prior to the tournament and will be worth 30 points. Design Documents must be converted to a PDF file before uploading to the TOT App Submission Portal by 10:00 pm on March 15, 2024.


In this section, students will use the internet or other sources to search for facts and information about real-world use of drones. They will need to provide specific examples and cite the sources they used for their research. Finally, they should describe how this research relates to their own project.

Suggested topics: Drone use in Emergency Services, Rescue operations, Research, and exploration.

Getting Help

Contact John Kimbley at or Maria Sandoval-Enriquez at .