About ClubRED
Build season starts in September and ends in April. Students are presented with a problem and challenged to build a robot to solve that problem. Students begin by collaborating on the robot’s design, creating CAD models, and prototyping key mechanisms. Then, they move on to mechanical assembly, wiring, electronics, and programming of the control systems. Every year, the game changes, allowing students to change their robot design year after year to be the most effective way to compete in each game. Close to the end of the school year, students will get together with all Club RED students in the district and compete in the Fresno Unified High School Robotics Tournament.
Robotic Kit
The robotic kit comprises a REV FTC starter kit, an Arduino Mega, a Raspberry Pi, a Cytron Motor, and a PS2 shield. Students will use this equipment, other materials, and 3D-printed parts to build and fabricate their robots. In the past years, teams have been able to build mechanisms to intake 4-inch basketballs and either outtake them to low goals or launch them to higher goals, granting them more points.