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Student Digital Literacy

Announcing the New Technology Scope and Sequence

We are thrilled to announce the release of our newly updated Student Technology Scope and Sequence! A cross-functional team of CIPL and IT staff worked on revising and adding skills that align to current trends of today. However, many of the existing skills remain, as they continue to address the skills embedded within our Common Core State Standards. By integrating technology into our curriculum and student tasks, we empower our students to become proficient in using technology, fostering critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. These competencies are crucial for their academic achievements and future college/career opportunities. 

New Features 

The updated skills include several new features to support our educators: 

  • TK-12: The new list now includes skills starting at TK
  • Linked Resources: Access tutorials, guides, and additional resources directly from the document. 
  • Grade Band Organization: The skills are now organized by grade bands, making it easier to find relevant content for your students. 

Overview and Full List of Technology Skills

TSS Main

FUSD TK-12 Technology Scope and Sequence Document

Technology Skills by Grade Band

Video Library of Lessons that Integrate Digital Literacy

Browse the entire Digital Literacy Video library here