New Hires Substitutes
Welcome to the FUSD family.
Everyday in the classroom counts, Fresno Unified is counting on the expertise of substitute teachers to provide high quality instruction and ensure that the learning continues in the absence of the teacher.
Being a substitute teacher is a rewarding, invaluable experience. It provides the opportunity to make a true and lasting difference in the lives of our youth while exploring different teaching options. It is the first step to a long-term career as an educator at Fresno Unified.
Teaching excellence is at the core of Fresno Unified, and that’s why we offer outstanding career advancement and professional growth opportunities. Together all employees work towards the overarching goal of preparing career-ready graduates.
New hire checklist for certificated substitutes
“The impact of an increasingly global community is evident in our school systems. I have the opportunity to teach and learn from students and teachers from any different culture.”
Robin Jones Snowden
Fresno Unified Employee