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Winter Enrichment Camps

Two students working on a science project.

Winter Enrichment Camps provide students the opportunity to participate in new and exciting activities that engage students in hands-on instruction by promoting critical thinking, increased physical activity, and team collaboration. 

Winter Camps Dates

One Week Session: January 6, 2025 - January 10, 2025

Winter Camp Registration

Registration for priority TK-12th grade students begins: December 3, 2024*
Registration for general TK-12th grade students begins: December 5, 2024

*Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) requires school districts to offer priority registration to Unduplicated Pupil Percentage (UPP) students.

Per California Education Code EDC § 42238.02 (b)(1), “unduplicated pupil” means a pupil enrolled in a school district who is either classified as an English learner, eligible for a free or reduced-price meal, or is a foster youth.

Winter Camp Brochures

Please click on one of the buttons below to download the brochure:




How to Register for Winter Camps

Text message invitation to sign up for free winter camp

  1. Make sure your primary cellphone number is correct in ATLAS.
  2. You will receive a text message with the information to sign up. Click on the unique link to view camps options for your child.
  3. Select and register for a camp you like.
  4. Done! You will get a text confirmation with your child's camp details.

You can also register online by clicking on the camp information of your preferred language.

If you accidentally texted "STOP" to block all text messages from InPlay in the past, you would need to text "START" to (559) 825-2030 to begin receiving text messages from InPlay again.


Winter Enrichment Camps Offerings

Expand each camp themes to view the camp offerings.


Please be advised that not all Winter Camp bus routes will provide service from all seven (7) high school bus hubs. For a comprehensive list of bus routes, including their schedules for each camp, please refer to the Bus Hub Service Matrix table.

To obtain the scheduled departure and return times for a specific bus route, please click on its corresponding bus route number on the Bus Hub Service Matrix.

Bus Hubs Locations

Bullard High Bus Hub at Gibson Elementary on Barstow Ave.

Edison High Bus Hub in front of the Library on Cesar Chavez Blvd.

Fresno High Bus Hub at the Main Office on Echo Ave

Hoover High Bus Hub at the Main Parking Lot on First Street

McLane High Bus Hub at Stadium Parking Lot on Cedar/Clinton

Roosevelt High Bus Hub on Barton Ave

Sunnyside High Bus Hub at the Roundabout Circle