After School Programs (Elementary & Middle Schools)
To provide student centered, quality care programs during out-of-school hours to prepare college and career ready graduates.
To accomplish this mission, the Fresno Unified School District (FUSD) After School Program strives to:
- Provide opportunities for children to develop their skills.
- Support student academic achievement in literacy, math proficiency, and EL redesignation.
- Provide exposure to a wide variety of experiences.
- Help children develop their unique talents and abilities.
- Build character and leadership skills.
- Provide a safe environment.
- Increase motivation and connection to school.
The FUSD After School Program provides homework support and enrichment programs for school-age children. Programs are staffed with qualified after school personnel.
Days of Operation
The FUSD After School Program operates SCHOOL DAYS ONLY. The program operates on a daily basis to coincide with the regular school calendar and operates from the end of the school day until 6:00 p.m. Students participating in the FUSD After School Program are required to participate in all the components of the program.
Program Components
The program components include:
- Healthy Snack
- Homework Support
- Academic Intervention (English Language Arts and Math)
- Physical Fitness
- Enrichment Activities
Families do not need to apply into the After School Program. All students from each of the school sites, from transitional kindergarten/kindergarten through sixth/eighth grade, will automatically be entered into the lottery.
Fresno Unified will implement a randomized computer lottery system for enrollment in the district’s after school programs. This process will provide every student an equal opportunity for enrollment.
Parents of students who are accepted into the program will be notified via School Messenger phone calls in August, and parents will be required to attend a mandatory orientation the first week when school is in session.
Students who are not selected during the lottery process will be placed on a waiting list and be notified for enrollment as space becomes available.
Priority for enrollment of pupils in an after school program shall be as followed:
- (A) First priority shall go to pupils who are identified by the program as homeless youth, as defined by the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. Sec. 11434a), at the time that they apply for enrollment or at any time during the school year, to pupils who are identified by the program as being in foster care, and to pupils who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals.
- (B) For programs serving middle and junior high school pupils, second priority shall go to pupils who attend daily.
- This subdivision does not require a program to verify, or a school district to disclose to an after school program, that a pupil applying for or participating in the program is a homeless youth, a foster youth, or eligible for free or reduced-price meals.
- This subdivision does not require or authorize the disenrollment of a current participant in order to secure the enrollment of a pupil who has priority for enrollment.
- (C) A program shall inform the parent or caregiver of a pupil of the right of homeless children, foster children, and children eligible for free or reduced-price meals to receive priority enrollment and how to request priority enrollment.
- (D) For purposes of identifying a pupil who is eligible for priority enrollment, the administrators of a program shall allow self-certification of the pupil as a homeless youth, a foster youth, or eligible for free or reduced-price meals. Administrators of a program may also obtain this information through the school district liaison designated for homeless children if the school district has a waiver on file allowing for the release of this information.
For more information, please reach out to your school's Expanded Learning Coordinator or Site Lead at your school site.
For more information, please reach out to your school's Expanded Learning Coordinator or Site Lead at your school site.
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