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District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)


NEXT DELAC MEETING: Thursday, February 20, 2025

PROXIMA JUNTA DE DELAC: Jueves, 20 de febrero de 2025

TOM NTEJ DELAC ROOJ SIB THAM: Hnub Thursday, lub 2 Hlis tim 20, 2025

Tehipite Middle School
630 N Augusta St., Fresno, CA 93701
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

What is the DELAC?

A district is required to form a DELAC if it has 51 or more English learner students. The committee is comprised of school staff, parents of English learner students, other parents and community members who are interested in English learner programs. At least 51 percent of the committee must be made up of parents of English learner students who are not employed by the district. DELAC members are elected by ELAC members at school sites.

Advisory Duties

The purpose of the DELAC is to advise, not govern, English learner services and programs offered by the district. As an advisory group, DELAC member duties include:

  • Developing a Master Plan for educational programs and services to English Learners.
  • Conducting a district-wide needs assessment on a school-by-school basis.
  • Establishing district program goals and objectives for English Learner Services.
  • Administrating the annual language census.
  • Reviewing and commenting on the district’s reclassification procedures for English Learners.
  • Reviewing and commenting on the written notifications to be sent to parents and guardians.
  • Performing self-evaluation to determine if the DELAC is meeting its goals and appropriately representing the district’s English Learners.

The overall goal of the DELAC is to improve our English learners’ acquisition of fluency in English and to help our students achieve academic success.

DELAC Meetings

All DELAC meetings, including subcommittees, are required by law to be open to the public. Meeting agendas must be posted in a public place a minimum of 72 hours in advance.

An ideal DELAC meeting agenda should include student achievement data, reclassification data, and discussion aimed to increase parental involvement. Items not listed on the agenda cannot be voted upon. 

DELAC Meeting Calendar

DELAC Meeting Master Calendar 2024/2025 - English

DELAC Calendar (English)

DELAC Meeting Master Calendar 2024/2025 - Spanish

DELAC Calendar (Spanish)

DELAC Meeting Master Calendar 2024/2025 - Hmong

DELAC Meeting (Hmong)

DELAC Meeting Documents


DELAC Bylaws – English

DELAC Reglamentos – Español

DELAC Cov Cai Bylaws – Hmoob

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