LGBTQ+ Support Team

Creating Safe, Supportive and Inclusive Schools for All!
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Creando Escuelas Seguras, de Apoyo e Incluslvas para Todos!

What We Believe
Fresno Unified believes that all schools should be safe, supportive, and inclusive places where students, families and staff feel accepted, respected, and welcome! We are committed to providing inclusive practices and coordinated culturally responsive supports for our LGBTQ+ students and families across our district.
Watch an Overview of What We Do
Read About What We Do
Fresno Unified’s LGBTQ+ Supports Team is a centralized source of information, resources, and support to help meet the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning students and families. Our Team focuses on five key areas:
- Student Empowerment/GSA Youth Voice
- LGBTQ+ Student Supports
- Safe, Supportive, and Inclusive Schools
- Staff Development
- Family & Community Partnerships
Gender Diverse Students
To serve the needs of our gender diverse students and to implement the School Success and Opportunity Act (Assembly Bill 1266), school psychologists, clinical school social workers and administrators follow Administrative Regulation 5145.3 in the creation of Gender Action Plans. This is a collaborative process with students, families, and trained staff to ensure that students understand their rights and have access to the facilities and supports they need.
Students, families, and staff can get connected with all types of LGBTQ+ supports, resources, an professional learning opportunities by filling out this form:
LGBTQ+ Consultation & Support Request Link
To request counseling or therapy services, please complete this form:
Social Emotional Wellness & Support | Fresno Unified Prevention and Intervention

Safe Space for All Campaign
Click here to watch: Safe Space for All Campaign Student Launch Video
Staff can request a poster by filling out this form: Count me in for a Safe Space for All Poster!
Local Resources
- LGBTQ+ Resource Center – Fresno EOC provides supportive services to enhance the health and well-being of individuals of all ages in the LGBTQ+ community in the Fresno County area, located on the Fulton Mall in downtown Fresno. (559) 325-4527 (call/text)
- PFLAG Fresno Families & Friends Allied with the LGBTQ+ Community is a volunteer organization dedicated to supporting, educating, and advocating for the loved ones, friends, family members, partners, and parents of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and gender expansive people here in California’s Central Valley. (559) 434-6540
- Fresno Youth Alliance is a program of Community Link and provides a safe and substance free environment where LGBTQ+ youth can be themselves, express their concerns and discuss issues of importance that affect their lives.
- Trans-E-Motion focuses on providing support, advocacy, and education for the transgender community and allies. They offer monthly support groups and also put on Fresno’s annual Transgender Day of Visibility and Transgender Day of Remembrance.
- Fresno Spectrum Center provides connections to local resources and a safe space for meetings and activities.
- The Source LGBT Center -Visalia is focused on providing in-person and online services including support groups as well as a trans closet, food pantry, lending library, HIV support and more. (559) 429-4277
Online & National Resources
- The Trevor Project operates the only accredited, nationwide, around‐the‐clock crisis and suicide prevention helpline for LGBTQ+ youth. (866) 488-7386 (Available 24/7)
- California Department of Education Supporting LGBTQ+ Students provides instructional guidance, law, and policies for local educational agencies support students and to provide safe learning environments that protect the health and safety of LGBTQ+ students.
- GLSEN is the leading national education organization focused on ensuring safe schools for all lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students.
- GSA Network empowers and trains queer, trans and allied youth leaders to advocate, organize, and mobilize an intersectional movement for safer schools and healthier communities.
- It Gets Better Project is the world’s largest storytelling effort to empower LGBTQ+ young people where they live, learn, and socialize.
- Family Acceptance Project promotes education about the powerful impact of increasing accepting behaviors and reducing rejecting behaviors of families towards LGBTQ+ adolescents.
Quick Links
- BP 5145.31: Gender & Identity Inclusion
- AR 5145.31: Gender & Identity Inclusion
- BP 5145.3: Non-Discrimination/Harassment
- BP 5145.7: Sexual Harassment
- BP 5131.2: Anti-Bullying
- BP 5132: Dressing & Grooming
- BP 0410: Non-Discrimination in District Programs & Activities
- BP 6145: Extra-curricular & Co-curricular Activities
- BP 5141.52: Suicide Prevention
- BP 5125: Student Records
- BP 5125.3: Challenging Student Records
- BP 1312.3: Uniform Complaint Procedures
California Department of Education (CDE) Websites Related to Supporting LGBTQ+ Students