School Based Mentoring
Mission Statement
To develop a culture of mentoring, in Fresno Unified School District, that will increase the number of quality mentoring relationships for students to enable them to reach their full academic potential
What is School-Based Mentoring?
Mentoring takes place at the school site during the school day or after school program. Mentors meet one-to-one or group with the student(s) for one hour a week for the academic school year.
One-on-One: School Based One-on-One Mentoring for students (K-12) that occur once a week at lunch or after school facilitated by community members, college students and/or staff.
Girl Power: School Based Group Mentoring for young girls (K-6) that occur once a week at lunch or after school facilitated by community members, college students and/or staff.
Young Men Of Character (YMOC): School Based Group Mentoring for young boys (K-6) that occur once a week at lunch or after school facilitated by community members, college students and/or staff.
My Brother’s Keeper (MBK): School Based Group/One-on-One Mentoring for students with attendance issues (primarily K-6) that occur at least 3 days a week before, during, and/or after school facilitated by staff (i.e. teachers, campus assistants, administrators, etc.)
How to become a mentor?
- Complete Mentor Application
- Complete Mentor Training
- Complete and pass screening process (Fingerprinted through FUSD Human Resources Department)
- Follow guidelines in mentoring handbook
- Agree to be matched with student for one academic school year
- Meet with assigned student one day each week (minimum of one hour)
- Complete and return a monthly mentor log sheet to FUSD Mentoring Office

Judy Reynoso
Mentor Facilitator, Mentoring

Jose Zalapa Negrete
CWAS II, Mentoring
(559) 457-3368
Quick Links
- Parent Permission Forms
- Group Mentoring Information Flier
- MBK Information Flier
- YMOC Interest Flier
- Girl Power Interest Flier