Fresno Unified School District
English Language Arts

The English Language Arts (ELA) Department identifies, develops, and coordinates the implementation of standards-based instructional materials, and support for instructional planning and delivery at all sites. The California English Language Arts and English Language Development (ELA/ELD) Framework provides guidance for implementation of the adopted state standards for reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language. Our work is to support teachers as they provide all students with the English language and literacy skills to graduate college and career ready.
Janie De La Cerda, K-6 ELA Manager
Alison Mosley, 7-12 ELA Manager
(559) 457-3496

Links for Parents
What is my student learning?
- K-2 English & K-2 Spanish
- 3rd-5th English & 3rd-5th Spanish
- 6th-8th English & 6th-8th Spanish
- High School English & High School Spanish
How will my English Learner Student Learn English?
- CA English Language Development Standards
- Como aprenderan inlges sus hijos: Los nuevos estandares estatales para el desarrollo del idioma ingles de California
How is my student doing?
How will my student be assessed? (update link – district)