Student & Parent Resources
For Parents
Research shows parents have the largest influence on youth’s career exploration and decision making.
To help your child on the path to college, College Readiness has prepared a Parent Action Plan.
For Students
Plan Your Career
ApprenticeshipUSA - There are thousands of active apprenticeship programs across the country serving many industries, occupations, and geographic locations. Search open apprenticeship job opportunities from employers across the country and directly apply with the employer of the apprenticeship program. Or search and connect with an active apprenticeship program to learn more about how and when to apply to their apprenticeship program.
ASVAB Testing - The ASVAB Career Exploration Program includes a validated aptitude test and interest assessment. The results are used to guide career exploration using our career planning tools. Talk to your school's Job Developer in the Career Center to sign up!
California Career Center - The California Career Center has resources to help you plan your middle and high school years, explore career paths, learn about postsecondary options including apprenticeships, and develop financial literacy skills.
California Career Zone - The California CareerZone can help you learn which careers are a fit for you and discover the next steps to pursuing a job, college, or opportunity.
California Community Colleges Career Coach - Discover majors and in-demand careers and education based on your interests.
California Occupational Guides - The California Occupational Guides provide detailed information on California wages, job outlook, education, and licensing requirements for approximately 800 occupations. The Guides offer students and jobseekers occupational information to assist with making informed career choices.
CareerOneStop - CareerOneStop is your source for career exploration, training, and jobs information, sponsored by the US Department of Labor. Take self-assessments, set career goals, find out what kind of training you need for the jobs you want, and access information about employment and training programs.
CareerOneStop Video Library - Browse CareerOneStop's video collection to learn about careers, career clusters, skills and abilities, and more.
My Next Move - What do you want to do for a living? Find the answer to that question with a career search, browsing by industry, or answering questions to discover the type of work you might enjoy.
Non-Traditional Fields for Women - Find information about underrepresented vocations for women, and learn how women can break into these professions, along with industry-specific facts and resources to help them succeed.
Occupational Outlook Handbook - Provided by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, browse occupations by categories like Highest Paying, Fastest Growing, or Most New Jobs, by occupation groups like Healthcare or Legal, or by what kind of education or training is required. Also available as an iOS or Android app.
ONet Online - Start the career you've dreamed about, or find one you never imagined. Discover your interests with the O*NET Interest Profiler and find more exploration options at My Next Move.
Roadtrip Nation - Watch award-winning films and series about exploring new pathways, listen to podcast interviews, discover career possibilities, and use the Roadmap Tool to discover the best career paths for you.
Salary Surfer - To help students and their families make important decisions about investing time and money in a college education, the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, through Salary Surfer, is providing comparative information about the earnings of recent California community college graduates who received an award in a specific program of study. This tool also provides information on which colleges offer programs in those specific disciplines.
STEM Careers Coalition - Explore these interactive resources to hone-in on your career goals.
Training Provider Results - Find training programs and compare completion rates, employment rates, and more.
UC Berkeley Career Readiness Workbook - Provided by UC Berkeley, this workbook helps students through the career development process by exposing them to the services and resources provided to UCB students through the Career Center. This workbook is designed to help students through the process by offering activities to help them get career ready. This workbook can be downloaded to help students no matter where they are in the process.
Plan for College
For college planning and search tools, visit our College Readiness home page or our College Search page.