Student Job Opportunities
Looking for a job? College and Career Readiness can help! Earn some extra cash, boost your college application, and gain valuable work experience!
Local Job Postings
Colleges are impressed when students have jobs, whether they are working for family income or just for fun. Your work history demonstrates your initiative and responsibility. Work experience is also valuable if you plan to enter a specific industry sector after graduation, making your resume stand out. Search for a job in the Fresno area using the popular job search engines below.
I found a job, now what?
If you’re under 18, once you have interviewed and been offered a job, you’ll need a work permit. Work permits are usually processed by your school, unless it’s winter, spring, or summer break, at which time the College and Career Readiness office can process your work permit for you. Download the Work Permit Procedures and Application packet to get started. There are grade and attendance requirements for work permits, so make sure you have good attendance and keep your GPA up.
Work permits are only valid until the start of a new school year. You will need a new permit each year. For more information about work permits, visit the CDE Frequently Asked Questions site.
Work Experience Education
If you are enrolled in a Work Experience Education course, your job is part of your class and you earn course credit. Work Experience Education combines paid employment with classroom instruction. Students attend their job placement during the week as well as a scheduled class session once a week. Topics for the course include how to get a job, keep a job, and leave a job. Other topics are economic awareness and career awareness. As part of the course, students will develop a portfolio which shows the abilities, knowledge, and skills achieved.
College & Career Centers
Each high school campus has a College & Career Center dedicated to supporting the Fresno Unified goal of preparing Career Ready Graduates. The College & Career Center is highly integrated with Career Technical Education and academic counseling. Job Developers lead each center and function as a link between the business community, higher education, high school counseling, and the District’s College & Career Readiness department. Job Developers offer all students an array of services and opportunities such as: issuing work permits; providing information on work-based learning experiences, internships, and certifications; offering career interest inventories; conducting ASVAB testing; and supporting students with college and scholarship information and applications, FAFSA/Dream Act application, and SAT/ACT registration.
Career Center Locations and Staff
School Site | Job Developer | Contact |
Bullard High School | Kris Madden | Email Kris |
Design Science High School | Stephanie Maxwell | Email Stephanie |
DeWolf High School | Stephanie Maxwell | Email Stephanie |
Duncan Polytechnical High School | Robert Mendoza | Email Robert |
Edison High School | Anna Marie Ronquillo Grisby | Email Anna |
Farber Educational Campus | Sabrina Bailey | Email Sabrina |
Fresno High School | Patti Gutierrez | Email Patti |
Fulton School | Theresa Sanchez | Email Theresa |
Hoover High School | Mylena Santana-Bailey | Email Mylena |
McLane High School | Veronica Medina | Email Veronica |
Patiño School of Entrepreneurship | Theresa Sanchez | Email Theresa |
Phoenix Secondary Academy | Stephanie Maxwell | Email Stephanie |
Roosevelt High School | Vang Yang | Email Vang |
Sunnyside High School | Leslie Damas | Email Leslie |