Board of Education Meeting Schedule
Regular Board Meetings For 2024/25
All meetings will be held at the Fresno Unified School District, Education Center, 2309 Tulare Street, Fresno, California – 2nd floor. Generally, Closed Session begins at 4:30 p.m. and Open Session at 5:30 p.m. Board meeting agendas are uploaded to the website three days before the meeting, please reference the agenda for specific meeting times.
- August 14 and 28
- September 11,
18 (Board Workshop),and 25 - October 09 and 23
- November 06 and 20
- December 11, 18, and 19 (Board Workshop)
- January 08 and 22
- February 05 (Board Workshop), 12, 18 (Board Workshop) and 26
- March 12 and 26
- April 09 and 23
- May 14,
21 (Board Workshop),and 28 - June
1104 and 18
(Approval of these dates will not preclude either additions or changes at any time)
Regular Board Meetings For 2025/26
All meetings will be held at the Fresno Unified School District, Education Center, 2309 Tulare Street, Fresno, California – 2nd floor. Generally, Closed Session begins at 4:30 p.m. and Open Session at 5:30 p.m. Board meeting agendas are uploaded to the website three days before the meeting, please reference the agenda for specific meeting times.
- August 13 and 27
- September 10, 17 (Board Workshop), and 24
- October 08 and 15
- November 05 and 19
- December 10 and 17
- January 14 and 28
- February 11, 18 (Board Workshop), and 25
- March 11 and 25
- April 08 and 22
- May 13, 20 (Board Workshop), and 27
- June 10 and 17
(Approval of these dates will not preclude either additions or changes at any time)