Request for Public Records
Request for PubLic Records Form
A “public record” is any writing (whether typed, handwritten, printed, photographed, or electronically transmitted) containing information related to the public’s business that is prepared, owned, used, or retained by a state or local governmental agency, including Fresno Unified School District.
Any person may make a request to inspect or to obtain copies of, public records in the possession of Fresno Unified School District. There is no cost to inspect public records. There is a cost to obtain copies of public records: $0.25 per page for paper copies, or $10.00 per flash drive copy.
If you would like to make a request to inspect or obtain copies of Fresno Unified School District public records, you may do so by visiting or contacting the Constituent Services Office:
Fresno Unified School District
Constituent Services Office
2309 Tulare Street, Room 218
Fresno, CA 93721-2287
Telephone: (559) 457-3736
In addition, you may complete and submit the Request for Public Records Form that is available on the Fresno Unified School District website, which is located on the Constituent Services Office webpage.
Upon receipt of your request, the Constituent Services Office will promptly determine whether your request identifies disclosable public records in the possession of Fresno Unified School District, and will notify you of its determination.
In the event that additional information is needed in order to process your request, the Constituent Services Office will contact you to request clarification regarding your request or to assist you in identifying the specific public records you seek, as appropriate.
If you have any questions regarding any of the information in this notice or otherwise related to Fresno Unified School District public records, please contact the Constituent Services Office at (559) 457-3736 or at