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Covid-19 Guidelines

First page of the PDF file: COVIDIllnessGuidelinesJanuary152024

Additional Info
Symptoms of COVID-19 includes new or worsening presence of the following:
i. Fever, chills, headache or cough
ii. Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
iii. Fatigue
iv. Congestion or runny nose
v. Repeated shaking/ tremors
vi. Muscle pains or body aches
vii. Sore throat
viii. New loss of taste or smell, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea

Any employee who is Ill can be cleared to return to work when:

  • Symptoms are mild and have improved AND
  • No temp or fever reducing medications for 24 hours


Cal OSHA Requirements
Notify close contacts and testing kits made available should employee request. District Warehouse has test kits available if site inventory needs replenishing.

Close Contacts
Employees who share the same indoor airspace for a cumulative total of 15 minutes over a 24 hour period of a confirmed cases' onset of symptoms.

Reporting Employees who are confirmed positive should email and include their name, a picture of their positive test and the date of their symptom onset. Human Resources will confirm with the employee is eligible for CAL OSHA COVID leave based on worksite exposure.

For students and staff who are interested in testing, the District provides over the counter (OTC) home test kits available a t s chool sites and district departments. OTC test kits can also be found at local pharmacies. CDPH and CDE have extended test kit expirations date 12 months past the date no ted on the kit.

is defined as “separation of those infected with a contagious disease from peo ple who are not sick;”

COVID Test for confirming a diagnosis can be either over the counter home test (rapid antigen) or a PCR test taken through a lab or testing facility.